Anna Morris Holstein
April 9,1824 - December 31, 1900Born into a family of Revolutionary patriots, Anna Morris Holstein served with the hospital corps of the Grand Army of the Potomac throughout the Civil War and subsequently wrote a small volume about her experiences with the men who served the Union.
The preservation of Washington’s home at Mount Vernon was accomplished largely through her efforts, Holstein and her husband being among the first promoters of this project. It was also due largely to the efforts of Holstein that Valley Forge Centennial and Memorial Association was formed. She was the regent of this organization from its formation until her death. She was also one of the founders of the Valley Forge Chapter of the D.A.R. She was the first regent and filled that office until ill health compelled her to resign. Valley Forge being the scene of one of the most pathetic and important epochs of the Revolution, was ever a source of interest and reverence to her. She labored to preserve the headquarters used by Washington and to keep the name of Valley Forge prominent.
The Centennial and Memorial Association of Valley Forge, of which Anna was Founder and First Regent, was incorporated in Montgomery County in 1878. Anna led the mission to save, acquire, restore, and preserve General Washington’s Valley Forge Headquarters and surrounding acreage as parcels became available. To help create awareness and raise needed funds they organized a large event that was held on June 19, 1878 to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Army of The Revolution departing Valley Forge. Funds were used to purchase General Washington’s Headquarters from Hannah Ogden. Subsequently additional acreage was purchased, original artifacts acquired, a tree from President Washington’s Mount Vernon home was planted, and renovations to restore the home completed. Those efforts led to the State of Pennsylvania to make Valley Forge the first State Park in Pennsylvania in 1893.
“In the room where it happened?” Mr. and Mrs. Holstein were seated near President Lincoln when he delivered the Gettysburg address.